Active Transportation

This month we want to take advantage of the warm weather to get out and be active. The best part of taking different methods of transportation is also being active simultaneously. Instead of hopping on a motorized vehicle, think of going for a walk, run, or bike ride to take advantage of the extended hours of daylight. ​

There are multiple benefits to incorporating active transportation into your routine of navigating your community, including the following:​

Health benefits are an important factor. Going out for a walk, run, or bike ride can be helpful for your cardiovascular health. This can also aid in reducing heart disease in general. Another aspect of one’s health that can benefit from active transportation is mental health. To get outside and enjoy the fresh air is always beneficial to one’s mental health. ​

Economic benefits are a significant factor that we all take into consideration when deciding what choices we make for our daily commutes. You can use this calculator to see what the most cost-effective commute methods are for you. Consider how going for a walk or run outside only requires investing in some walking shoes that can offer support for your feet. Or consider how a bicycle requires no fuel and has very low maintenance costs. If you don’t own a bicycle, you don’t even need to buy one.  You can pay only for the bicycle trips you need or want to take with Capital Bikeshare. Here is a breakdown of Capital Bikeshare pricing:​

Single Trip $1/unlock $0.05/min for a classic bike ride and $0.15/min for an e-bike.​

24-Hour Pass  $8/day 

Annual Membership $7.92*/month

So, get outside and get active for the rest of the Summer! You’ll improve your health and save money.  ​

If you have questions regarding how to get around your community, please reach out to Woodland Park West at We hope you enjoy the outdoors and partake in getting active to be a benefit for yourself and your community!​


Woodland Park West Connect Team

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