
If you’re looking for a new way to get to work, Commuter Connections operates a regional database where commuters can submit their home and work locations and find potential carpool matches. What are the benefits of carpooling? Carpooling is:

  • Free
  • Convenient
  • A great way to take advantage of HOV Lanes on highways like I-66 and the Express Lanes on I-495.

Vanpools provide similar benefits to carpools, depending on if you are an operator or simply a passenger. Vanpool Alliance is a program that matches commuters with vanpools and provides financial subsidies for vanpool operators. Start your own vanpool and you can earn up to $300 per month through Vanpool Alliance.

Guaranteed Ride Home provides commuters who regularly carpool, bike, walk or take public transit to work with a free and reliable ride home when an immediate means of transportation is necessary. Commuters may take advantage of Guaranteed Ride Home up to six times per year to get home for unexpected emergencies such as having to stay overtime at work, a personal illness, or a sick child. Guaranteed Ride Home is completely free to qualified candidates! Ready to join the program? Click here to register for a guaranteed ride home.

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