Work From Home Day

On the last Thursday of June, we celebrate National Work from Home Day. This holiday is a chance to recognize the technological and cultural evolutions. These advancements have allowed us to be productive anywhere in the world as we are in the office, any office job can be done at home without loss of productivity.   ​

As of May 1, 2020:​

52% of Americans would prefer to work fully remotely​

37% would like a mixture of office and remote​

11% want no remote work at all.

We invite you to participate in Work from Home Day! Join our Facebook Group at Woodland Park West, take a selfie of you and your work station. The first 15 participants will receive a $10 Smart Trip card on us!​

Tip for Working at Home:  ​

Have a Routine ​

It does not really matter what it is if you stick to it. Routines make us more productive and reduce anxieties about never leaving work.​

Maintain Relationships with Your Coworkers ​

We may have never felt so remote in our lives, but that is no excuse for allowing those work relationships to fallow. Set up a virtual happy hour, have treats or lunches delivered, and celebrate personal and professional wins.  ​

Boundaries Make Good Workers ​

 As with a routine, it is important to set boundaries for your work life and your home life. When the workday is done, put the laptop away, leave your home office, and mute your slack messages.  ​

Make Accommodations for Your Kids ​

When you are working in an office and the kids are in school it is easy to forget how tough it is to balance both at the same time. Now that everyone is home (and those kids are bored) creating rules and routines for your children will help to reduce the number and frequency of interruptions. 

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